Isaiah 63:1-3

The Victorious Divine Warrior

63:1 Who is this who comes from Edom,

dressed in bright red, coming from Bozrah?

Who is this one wearing royal attire,

who marches confidently because of his great strength?

“It is I, the one who announces vindication,

and who is able to deliver!”

63:2 Why are your clothes red?

Why do you look like someone who has stomped on grapes in a vat?

63:3 “I have stomped grapes in the winepress all by myself;

no one from the nations joined me.

I stomped on them in my anger;

I trampled them down in my rage.

Their juice splashed on my garments,

and stained all my clothes.

Zechariah 1:8

The Content of the First Vision

1:8 I was attentive that night and saw a man seated on a red horse that stood among some myrtle trees in the ravine. Behind him were red, sorrel, and white horses.

Zechariah 6:2

6:2 Harnessed to the first chariot were red horses, to the second black horses,

Revelation 6:4

6:4 And another horse, fiery red, came out, and the one who rode it was granted permission to take peace from the earth, so that people would butcher one another, and he was given a huge sword.

Revelation 12:3

12:3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge red dragon that had seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads were seven diadem crowns.