Isaiah 7:23

7:23 At that time every place where there had been a thousand vines worth a thousand shekels will be overrun with thorns and briers.

Isaiah 16:10

16:10 Joy and happiness disappear from the orchards,

and in the vineyards no one rejoices or shouts;

no one treads out juice in the wine vats

I have brought the joyful shouts to an end.

Jeremiah 8:13

8:13 I will take away their harvests, says the Lord.

There will be no grapes on their vines.

There will be no figs on their fig trees.

Even the leaves on their trees will wither.

The crops that I gave them will be taken away.’”

Hosea 2:12

2:12 I will destroy her vines and fig trees,

about which she said, “These are my wages for prostitution

that my lovers gave to me!”

I will turn her cultivated vines and fig trees into an uncultivated thicket,

so that wild animals will devour them.

Joel 1:7

1:7 They have destroyed our vines;

they have turned our fig trees into mere splinters.

They have completely stripped off the bark and thrown them aside;

the twigs are stripped bare.

Joel 1:12

1:12 The vine has dried up;

the fig tree languishes –

the pomegranate, date, and apple as well.

In fact, all the trees of the field have dried up.

Indeed, the joy of the people has dried up!

Habakkuk 3:17

3:17 When the fig tree does not bud,

and there are no grapes on the vines;

when the olive trees do not produce,

and the fields yield no crops;

when the sheep disappear from the pen,

and there are no cattle in the stalls,

Zephaniah 1:13

1:13 Their wealth will be stolen

and their houses ruined!

They will not live in the houses they have built,

nor will they drink the wine from the vineyards they have planted.