Isaiah 8:17

8:17 I will wait patiently for the Lord,

who has rejected the family of Jacob;

I will wait for him.

Isaiah 26:8-9

26:8 Yes, as your judgments unfold,

O Lord, we wait for you.

We desire your fame and reputation to grow.

26:9 I look for you during the night,

my spirit within me seeks you at dawn,

for when your judgments come upon the earth,

those who live in the world learn about justice.

Isaiah 30:18-19

The Lord Will Not Abandon His People

30:18 For this reason the Lord is ready to show you mercy;

he sits on his throne, ready to have compassion on you.

Indeed, the Lord is a just God;

all who wait for him in faith will be blessed.

30:19 For people will live in Zion;

in Jerusalem you will weep no more.

When he hears your cry of despair, he will indeed show you mercy;

when he hears it, he will respond to you.

Genesis 49:18

49:18 I wait for your deliverance, O Lord.

Psalms 27:14

27:14 Rely on the Lord!

Be strong and confident!

Rely on the Lord!

Psalms 37:5-7

37:5 Commit your future to the Lord!

Trust in him, and he will act on your behalf.

37:6 He will vindicate you in broad daylight,

and publicly defend your just cause.

37:7 Wait patiently for the Lord!

Wait confidently for him!

Do not fret over the apparent success of a sinner,

a man who carries out wicked schemes!

Psalms 62:1-2

Psalm 62

For the music director, Jeduthun; a psalm of David.

62:1 For God alone I patiently wait;

he is the one who delivers me.

62:2 He alone is my protector and deliverer.

He is my refuge; I will not be upended.

Psalms 62:5-7

62:5 Patiently wait for God alone, my soul!

For he is the one who gives me confidence.

62:6 He alone is my protector and deliverer.

He is my refuge; I will not be upended.

62:7 God delivers me and exalts me;

God is my strong protector and my shelter.

Micah 7:7

7:7 But I will keep watching for the Lord;

I will wait for the God who delivers me.

My God will hear my lament.

Luke 2:25

The Prophecy of Simeon

2:25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon who was righteous and devout, looking for the restoration of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him.

Luke 2:28-30

2:28 Simeon took him in his arms and blessed God, saying,

2:29 “Now, according to your word, Sovereign Lord, permit your servant to depart in peace.

2:30 For my eyes have seen your salvation

Romans 8:23-25

8:23 Not only this, but we ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we eagerly await our adoption, the redemption of our bodies. 8:24 For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope, because who hopes for what he sees? 8:25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with endurance.

Titus 2:13

2:13 as we wait for the happy fulfillment of our hope in the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Titus 2:2

2:2 Older men are to be temperate, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in endurance.

Titus 3:12

Final Instructions and Greeting

3:12 When I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, for I have decided to spend the winter there.

Revelation 22:20

22:20 The one who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon!” Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!