Isaiah 8:18

8:18 Look, I and the sons whom the Lord has given me are reminders and object lessons in Israel, sent from the Lord who commands armies, who lives on Mount Zion.

Isaiah 24:23

24:23 The full moon will be covered up,

the bright sun will be darkened;

for the Lord who commands armies will rule

on Mount Zion in Jerusalem

in the presence of his assembly, in majestic splendor.

Isaiah 41:14

41:14 Don’t be afraid, despised insignificant Jacob,

men of Israel.

I am helping you,” says the Lord,

your protector, the Holy One of Israel.

Isaiah 41:16

41:16 You will winnow them and the wind will blow them away;

the wind will scatter them.

You will rejoice in the Lord;

you will boast in the Holy One of Israel.

Psalms 9:11

9:11 Sing praises to the Lord, who rules in Zion!

Tell the nations what he has done!

Psalms 68:16

68:16 Why do you look with envy, O mountains with many peaks,

at the mountain where God has decided to live?

Indeed the Lord will live there permanently!

Psalms 71:22

71:22 I will express my thanks to you with a stringed instrument,

praising your faithfulness, O my God!

I will sing praises to you accompanied by a harp,

O Holy One of Israel!

Psalms 89:18

89:18 For our shield belongs to the Lord,

our king to the Holy One of Israel.

Psalms 132:14

132:14 He said, “This will be my resting place forever;

I will live here, for I have chosen it.

Ezekiel 43:7

43:7 He said to me: “Son of man, this is the place of my throne and the place for the soles of my feet, where I will live among the people of Israel forever. The house of Israel will no longer profane my holy name, neither they nor their kings, by their spiritual prostitution or by the pillars of their kings set up when they die.

Ezekiel 48:35

48:35 The circumference of the city will be six miles. The name of the city from that day forward will be: ‘The Lord Is There.’”

Zephaniah 2:5

2:5 Those who live by the sea, the people who came from Crete, are as good as dead.

The Lord has decreed your downfall, Canaan, land of the Philistines:

“I will destroy everyone who lives there!”

Zephaniah 3:15-17

3:15 The Lord has removed the judgment against you;

he has turned back your enemy.

Israel’s king, the Lord, is in your midst!

You no longer need to fear disaster.

3:16 On that day they will say to Jerusalem,

“Don’t be afraid, Zion!

Your hands must not be paralyzed from panic!

3:17 The Lord your God is in your midst;

he is a warrior who can deliver.

He takes great delight in you;

he renews you by his love;

he shouts for joy over you.”

Zechariah 2:5

2:5 But I (the Lord says) will be a wall of fire surrounding Jerusalem and the source of glory in her midst.’”

Zechariah 2:10-11

2:10 “Sing out and be happy, Zion my daughter! For look, I have come; I will settle in your midst,” says the Lord. 2:11 “Many nations will join themselves to the Lord on the day of salvation, and they will also be my people. Indeed, I will settle in the midst of you all.” Then you will know that the Lord who rules over all has sent me to you.