Judges 14:15

14:15 On the fourth day they said to Samson’s bride, “Trick your husband into giving the solution to the riddle. If you refuse, we will burn up you and your father’s family. Did you invite us here to make us poor?”

Proverbs 2:16-19

2:16 to deliver you from the adulteress,

from the sexually loose woman who speaks flattering words;

2:17 who leaves the husband from her younger days,

and forgets her marriage covenant made before God.

2:18 For her house sinks down to death,

and her paths lead to the place of the departed spirits.

2:19 None who go in to her will return,

nor will they reach the paths of life.

Proverbs 5:3-11

5:3 For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey,

and her seductive words are smoother than olive oil,

5:4 but in the end she is bitter as wormwood,

sharp as a two-edged sword.

5:5 Her feet go down to death;

her steps lead straight to the grave.

5:6 Lest she should make level the path leading to life,

her paths are unstable but she does not know it.

5:7 So now, children, listen to me;

do not turn aside from the words I speak.

5:8 Keep yourself far from her,

and do not go near the door of her house,

5:9 lest you give your vigor to others

and your years to a cruel person,

5:10 lest strangers devour your strength,

and your labor benefit another man’s house.

5:11 And at the end of your life you will groan

when your flesh and your body are wasted away.

Proverbs 6:24-26

6:24 by keeping you from the evil woman,

from the smooth tongue of the loose woman.

6:25 Do not lust in your heart for her beauty,

and do not let her captivate you with her alluring eyes;

6:26 for on account of a prostitute one is brought down to a loaf of bread,

but the wife of another man preys on your precious life.

Proverbs 7:21-27

7:21 She persuaded him with persuasive words;

with her smooth talk she compelled him.

7:22 Suddenly he went after her

like an ox that goes to the slaughter,

like a stag prancing into a trapper’s snare

7:23 till an arrow pierces his liver

like a bird hurrying into a trap,

and he does not know that it will cost him his life.

7:24 So now, sons, listen to me,

and pay attention to the words I speak.

7:25 Do not let your heart turn aside to her ways –

do not wander into her pathways;

7:26 for she has brought down many fatally wounded,

and all those she has slain are many.

7:27 Her house is the way to the grave,

going down to the chambers of death.

Proverbs 7:1

Admonition to Avoid the Wiles of the Adulteress

7:1 My child, keep my words

and treasure up my commands in your own keeping.

Colossians 1:15-18

The Supremacy of Christ

1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation,

1:16 for all things in heaven and on earth were created by him – all things, whether visible or invisible, whether thrones or dominions, whether principalities or powers – all things were created through him and for him.

1:17 He himself is before all things and all things are held together in him.

1:18 He is the head of the body, the church, as well as the beginning, the firstborn from among the dead, so that he himself may become first in all things.