Jeremiah 12:14

12:14 “I, the Lord, also have something to say concerning the wicked nations who surround my land and have attacked and plundered the land that I gave to my people as a permanent possession. I say: ‘I will uproot the people of those nations from their lands and I will free the people of Judah who have been taken there.

Jeremiah 50:7

50:7 All who encountered them devoured them.

Their enemies who did this said, ‘We are not liable for punishment!

For those people have sinned against the Lord, their true pasture.

They have sinned against the Lord in whom their ancestors trusted.’

Exodus 4:22-23

4:22 You must say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, “Israel is my son, my firstborn, 4:23 and I said to you, ‘Let my son go that he may serve me,’ but since you have refused to let him go, I will surely kill your son, your firstborn!”’”

Psalms 81:14-15

81:14 Then I would quickly subdue their enemies,

and attack their adversaries.”

81:15 (May those who hate the Lord cower in fear before him!

May they be permanently humiliated!)

Psalms 105:14-15

105:14 He let no one oppress them;

he disciplined kings for their sake,

105:15 saying, “Don’t touch my chosen ones!

Don’t harm my prophets!”

Psalms 105:25-36

105:25 He caused them to hate his people,

and to mistreat his servants.

105:26 He sent his servant Moses,

and Aaron, whom he had chosen.

105:27 They executed his miraculous signs among them,

and his amazing deeds in the land of Ham.

105:28 He made it dark;

they did not disobey his orders.

105:29 He turned their water into blood,

and killed their fish.

105:30 Their land was overrun by frogs,

which even got into the rooms of their kings.

105:31 He ordered flies to come;

gnats invaded their whole territory.

105:32 He sent hail along with the rain;

there was lightning in their land.

105:33 He destroyed their vines and fig trees,

and broke the trees throughout their territory.

105:34 He ordered locusts to come,

innumerable grasshoppers.

105:35 They ate all the vegetation in their land,

and devoured the crops of their fields.

105:36 He struck down all the firstborn in their land,

the firstfruits of their reproductive power.

Isaiah 41:11

41:11 Look, all who were angry at you will be ashamed and humiliated;

your adversaries will be reduced to nothing and perish.

Isaiah 47:6

47:6 I was angry at my people;

I defiled my special possession

and handed them over to you.

You showed them no mercy;

you even placed a very heavy burden on old people.

Joel 1:3

1:3 Tell your children about it,

have your children tell their children,

and their children the following generation.

Joel 1:7-8

1:7 They have destroyed our vines;

they have turned our fig trees into mere splinters.

They have completely stripped off the bark and thrown them aside;

the twigs are stripped bare.

A Call to Lament

1:8 Wail like a young virgin clothed in sackcloth,

lamenting the death of her husband-to-be.

Zechariah 1:15

1:15 But I am greatly displeased with the nations that take my grace for granted. I was a little displeased with them, but they have only made things worse for themselves.

Zechariah 2:8

2:8 For the Lord who rules over all says to me that for his own glory he has sent me to the nations that plundered you – for anyone who touches you touches the pupil of his eye.

Zechariah 12:2-4

12:2 “I am about to make Jerusalem a cup that brings dizziness to all the surrounding nations; indeed, Judah will also be included when Jerusalem is besieged. 12:3 Moreover, on that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy burden for all the nations, and all who try to carry it will be seriously injured; yet all the peoples of the earth will be assembled against it. 12:4 In that day,” says the Lord, “I will strike every horse with confusion and its rider with madness. I will pay close attention to the house of Judah, but will strike all the horses of the nations with blindness.

Acts 9:4-5

9:4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” 9:5 So he said, “Who are you, Lord?” He replied, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting!