Jeremiah 2:23

2:23 “How can you say, ‘I have not made myself unclean.

I have not paid allegiance to the gods called Baal.’

Just look at the way you have behaved in the Valley of Hinnom!

Think about the things you have done there!

You are like a flighty, young female camel

that rushes here and there, crisscrossing its path.

Jeremiah 2:36

2:36 Why do you constantly go about

changing your political allegiances?

You will get no help from Egypt

just as you got no help from Assyria.

Jeremiah 3:1-2

3:1 “If a man divorces his wife

and she leaves him and becomes another man’s wife,

he may not take her back again.

Doing that would utterly defile the land.

But you, Israel, have given yourself as a prostitute to many gods.

So what makes you think you can return to me?”

says the Lord.

3:2 “Look up at the hilltops and consider this.

You have had sex with other gods on every one of them.

You waited for those gods like a thief lying in wait in the desert.

You defiled the land by your wicked prostitution to other gods.

Isaiah 57:7-10

57:7 On every high, elevated hill you prepare your bed;

you go up there to offer sacrifices.

57:8 Behind the door and doorpost you put your symbols.

Indeed, you depart from me and go up

and invite them into bed with you.

You purchase favors from them,

you love their bed,

and gaze longingly on their genitals.

57:9 You take olive oil as tribute to your king,

along with many perfumes.

You send your messengers to a distant place;

you go all the way to Sheol.

57:10 Because of the long distance you must travel, you get tired,

but you do not say, ‘I give up.’

You get renewed energy,

so you don’t collapse.

Hosea 2:5-7

2:5 For their mother has committed adultery;

she who conceived them has acted shamefully.

For she said, “I will seek out my lovers;

they are the ones who give me my bread and my water,

my wool, my flax, my olive oil, and my wine.

The Lords Discipline Will Bring Israel Back

2:6 Therefore, I will soon fence her in with thorns;

I will wall her in so that she cannot find her way.

2:7 Then she will pursue her lovers, but she will not catch them;

she will seek them, but she will not find them.

Then she will say,

“I will go back to my husband,

because I was better off then than I am now.”

Hosea 2:13

2:13 “I will punish her for the festival days

when she burned incense to the Baal idols;

she adorned herself with earrings and jewelry,

and went after her lovers,

but she forgot me!” says the Lord.