Jeremiah 21:13

21:13 Listen, you who sit enthroned above the valley on a rocky plateau.

I am opposed to you,’ says the Lord.

‘You boast, “No one can swoop down on us.

No one can penetrate into our places of refuge.”

Jeremiah 48:28

48:28 Leave your towns, you inhabitants of Moab.

Go and live in the cliffs.

Be like a dove that makes its nest

high on the sides of a ravine.

Jeremiah 49:16

49:16 The terror you inspire in others

and the arrogance of your heart have deceived you.

You may make your home in the clefts of the rocks;

you may occupy the highest places in the hills.

But even if you made your home where the eagles nest,

I would bring you down from there,”

says the Lord.

Numbers 24:21

24:21 Then he looked on the Kenites and uttered this oracle:

“Your dwelling place seems strong,

and your nest is set on a rocky cliff.

Amos 9:2

9:2 Even if they could dig down into the netherworld,

my hand would pull them up from there.

Even if they could climb up to heaven,

I would drag them down from there.

Obadiah 1:4

1:4 Even if you were to soar high like an eagle,

even if you were to make your nest among the stars,

I can bring you down even from there!” says the Lord.

Habakkuk 2:9

2:9 The one who builds his house by unjust gain is as good as dead.

He does this so he can build his nest way up high

and escape the clutches of disaster.