Jeremiah 31:4

31:4 I will rebuild you, my dear children Israel,

so that you will once again be built up.

Once again you will take up the tambourine

and join in the happy throng of dancers.

Jeremiah 31:23-25

Judah Will Be Restored

31:23 The Lord God of Israel who rules over all says,

“I will restore the people of Judah to their land and to their towns.

When I do, they will again say of Jerusalem,

‘May the Lord bless you, you holy mountain,

the place where righteousness dwells.’

31:24 The land of Judah will be inhabited by people who live in its towns

as well as by farmers and shepherds with their flocks.

31:25 I will fully satisfy the needs of those who are weary

and fully refresh the souls of those who are faint.

Jeremiah 33:10

33:10 “I, the Lord, say: ‘You and your people are saying about this place, “It lies in ruins. There are no people or animals in it.” That is true. The towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem will soon be desolate, uninhabited either by people or by animals. But happy sounds will again be heard in these places.

Jeremiah 33:13

33:13 I, the Lord, say that shepherds will once again count their sheep as they pass into the fold. They will do this in all the towns in the southern hill country, the western foothills, the southern hill country, the territory of Benjamin, the villages surrounding Jerusalem, and the towns of Judah.’

Zechariah 8:3-6

8:3 The Lord says, ‘I have returned to Zion and will live within Jerusalem. Now Jerusalem will be called “truthful city,” “mountain of the Lord who rules over all,” “holy mountain.”’ 8:4 Moreover, the Lord who rules over all says, ‘Old men and women will once more live in the plazas of Jerusalem, each one leaning on a cane because of advanced age. 8:5 And the streets of the city will be full of boys and girls playing. 8:6 And,’ says the Lord who rules over all, ‘though such a thing may seem to be difficult in the opinion of the small community of those days, will it also appear difficult to me?’ asks the Lord who rules over all.

Malachi 3:4

3:4 The offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to the Lord as in former times and years past.