Jeremiah 39:5

39:5 But the Babylonian army chased after them. They caught up with Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho and captured him. They took him to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon at Riblah in the territory of Hamath and Nebuchadnezzar passed sentence on him there.

Jeremiah 52:8

52:8 But the Babylonian army chased after the king. They caught up with Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho, and his entire army deserted him.

Ezekiel 12:13

12:13 But I will throw my net over him, and he will be caught in my snare. I will bring him to Babylon, the land of the Chaldeans (but he will not see it), and there he will die.

Ezekiel 17:18

17:18 He despised the oath by breaking the covenant. Take note – he gave his promise and did all these things – he will not escape!

Ezekiel 19:4-8

19:4 The nations heard about him; he was trapped in their pit.

They brought him with hooks to the land of Egypt.

19:5 “‘When she realized that she waited in vain, her hope was lost.

She took another of her cubs and made him a young lion.

19:6 He walked about among the lions; he became a young lion.

He learned to tear prey; he devoured people.

19:7 He broke down their strongholds and devastated their cities.

The land and everything in it was frightened at the sound of his roaring.

19:8 The nations – the surrounding regions – attacked him.

They threw their net over him; he was caught in their pit.