Jeremiah 4:8

4:8 So put on sackcloth!

Mourn and wail, saying,

‘The fierce anger of the Lord

has not turned away from us!’”

Jeremiah 25:33-34

25:33 Those who have been killed by the Lord at that time

will be scattered from one end of the earth to the other.

They will not be mourned over, gathered up, or buried.

Their dead bodies will lie scattered over the ground like manure.

25:34 Wail and cry out in anguish, you rulers!

Roll in the dust, you who shepherd flocks of people!

The time for you to be slaughtered has come.

You will lie scattered and fallen like broken pieces of fine pottery.

Isaiah 32:11

32:11 Tremble, you complacent ones!

Shake with fear, you carefree ones!

Strip off your clothes and expose yourselves –

put sackcloth on your waist!

Ezekiel 27:30-31

27:30 They will lament loudly over you and cry bitterly.

They will throw dust on their heads and roll in the ashes;

27:31 they will tear out their hair because of you and put on sackcloth,

and they will weep bitterly over you with intense mourning.

Micah 1:8-10

1:8 For this reason I will mourn and wail;

I will walk around barefoot and without my outer garments.

I will howl like a wild dog,

and screech like an owl.

1:9 For Samaria’s disease is incurable.

It has infected Judah;

it has spread to the leadership of my people

and has even contaminated Jerusalem!

1:10 Don’t spread the news in Gath!

Don’t shed even a single tear!

In Beth Leaphrah sit in the dust!