Jeremiah 48:30

48:30 I, the Lord, affirm that I know how arrogant they are.

But their pride is ill-founded.

Their boastings will prove to be false.

Isaiah 43:14

The Lord Will Do Something New

43:14 This is what the Lord says,

your protector, the Holy One of Israel:

“For your sake I send to Babylon

and make them all fugitives,

turning the Babylonians’ joyful shouts into mourning songs.

Isaiah 44:25

44:25 who frustrates the omens of the empty talkers

and humiliates the omen readers,

who overturns the counsel of the wise men

and makes their advice seem foolish,

Isaiah 44:2

44:2 This is what the Lord, the one who made you, says –

the one who formed you in the womb and helps you:

“Don’t be afraid, my servant Jacob,

Jeshurun, whom I have chosen!

Isaiah 2:9-11

2:9 Men bow down to them in homage,

they lie flat on the ground in worship.

Don’t spare them!

2:10 Go up into the rocky cliffs,

hide in the ground.

Get away from the dreadful judgment of the Lord,

from his royal splendor!

2:11 Proud men will be brought low,

arrogant men will be humiliated;

the Lord alone will be exalted

in that day.

Isaiah 2:1

The Future Glory of Jerusalem

2:1 Here is the message about Judah and Jerusalem that was revealed to Isaiah son of Amoz.

Isaiah 4:2

The Branch of the Lord

4:2 At that time

the crops given by the Lord will bring admiration and honor;

the produce of the land will be a source of pride and delight

to those who remain in Israel.

Revelation 19:20

19:20 Now the beast was seized, and along with him the false prophet who had performed the signs on his behalf – signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. Both of them were thrown alive into the lake of fire burning with sulfur.

Revelation 21:8

21:8 But to the cowards, unbelievers, detestable persons, murderers, the sexually immoral, and those who practice magic spells, idol worshipers, and all those who lie, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. That is the second death.”

Revelation 22:15

22:15 Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the sexually immoral, and the murderers, and the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood!