Jeremiah 5:10

5:10 The Lord commanded the enemy,

“March through the vineyards of Israel and Judah and ruin them.

But do not destroy them completely.

Strip off their branches

for these people do not belong to the Lord.

Jeremiah 52:6-7

52:6 By the ninth day of the fourth month the famine in the city was so severe the residents had no food. 52:7 They broke through the city walls, and all the soldiers tried to escape. They left the city during the night. They went through the gate between the two walls that is near the king’s garden. (The Babylonians had the city surrounded.) Then they headed for the Jordan Valley.

Jeremiah 52:2

52:2 He did what displeased the Lord just as Jehoiakim had done.

Jeremiah 25:4

25:4 Over and over again the Lord has sent his servants the prophets to you. But you have not listened or paid attention.

Ezekiel 33:21

The Fall of Jerusalem

33:21 In the twelfth year of our exile, in the tenth month, on the fifth of the month, a refugee came to me from Jerusalem saying, “The city has been defeated!”

Micah 2:12-13

The Lord Will Restore His People

2:12 I will certainly gather all of you, O Jacob,

I will certainly assemble those Israelites who remain.

I will bring them together like sheep in a fold,

like a flock in the middle of a pasture;

they will be so numerous that they will make a lot of noise.

2:13 The one who can break through barriers will lead them out

they will break out, pass through the gate, and leave.

Their king will advance before them,

The Lord himself will lead them.

Zephaniah 1:10

1:10 On that day,” says the Lord,

“a loud cry will go up from the Fish Gate,

wailing from the city’s newer district,

and a loud crash from the hills.