Jeremiah 5:28

5:28 That is how they have grown fat and sleek.

There is no limit to the evil things they do.

They do not plead the cause of the fatherless in such a way as to win it.

They do not defend the rights of the poor.

Jeremiah 22:2-3

22:2 Say: ‘Listen, O king of Judah who follows in David’s succession. You, your officials, and your subjects who pass through the gates of this palace must listen to what the Lord says. 22:3 The Lord says, “Do what is just and right. Deliver those who have been robbed from those who oppress them. Do not exploit or mistreat foreigners who live in your land, children who have no fathers, or widows. Do not kill innocent people in this land.

Jeremiah 22:15-17

22:15 Does it make you any more of a king

that you outstrip everyone else in building with cedar?

Just think about your father.

He was content that he had food and drink.

He did what was just and right.

So things went well with him.

22:16 He upheld the cause of the poor and needy.

So things went well for Judah.’

The Lord says,

‘That is a good example of what it means to know me.’

22:17 But you are always thinking and looking

for ways to increase your wealth by dishonest means.

Your eyes and your heart are set

on killing some innocent person

and committing fraud and oppression.

Jeremiah 23:5

23:5 “I, the Lord, promise that a new time will certainly come

when I will raise up for them a righteous branch, a descendant of David.

He will rule over them with wisdom and understanding

and will do what is just and right in the land.

Jeremiah 23:2

23:2 So the Lord God of Israel has this to say about the leaders who are ruling over his people: “You have caused my people to be dispersed and driven into exile. You have not taken care of them. So I will punish you for the evil that you have done. I, the Lord, affirm it!

Jeremiah 8:15

8:15 We hoped for good fortune, but nothing good has come of it.

We hoped for a time of relief, but instead we experience terror.

Psalms 72:1-4

Psalm 72

For Solomon.

72:1 O God, grant the king the ability to make just decisions!

Grant the king’s son the ability to make fair decisions!

72:2 Then he will judge your people fairly,

and your oppressed ones equitably.

72:3 The mountains will bring news of peace to the people,

and the hills will announce justice.

72:4 He will defend the oppressed among the people;

he will deliver the children of the poor

and crush the oppressor.

Psalms 72:12-14

72:12 For he will rescue the needy when they cry out for help,

and the oppressed who have no defender.

72:13 He will take pity on the poor and needy;

the lives of the needy he will save.

72:14 From harm and violence he will defend them;

he will value their lives.

Psalms 82:2-4

82:2 He says, “How long will you make unjust legal decisions

and show favoritism to the wicked? (Selah)

82:3 Defend the cause of the poor and the fatherless!

Vindicate the oppressed and suffering!

82:4 Rescue the poor and needy!

Deliver them from the power of the wicked!

Isaiah 1:17

1:17 Learn to do what is right!

Promote justice!

Give the oppressed reason to celebrate!

Take up the cause of the orphan!

Defend the rights of the widow!

Isaiah 16:3-5

16:3 “Bring a plan, make a decision!

Provide some shade in the middle of the day!

Hide the fugitives! Do not betray the one who tries to escape!

16:4 Please let the Moabite fugitives live among you.

Hide them from the destroyer!”

Certainly the one who applies pressure will cease,

the destroyer will come to an end,

those who trample will disappear from the earth.

16:5 Then a trustworthy king will be established;

he will rule in a reliable manner,

this one from David’s family.

He will be sure to make just decisions

and will be experienced in executing justice.

Isaiah 31:1-2

Egypt Will Disappoint

31:1 Those who go down to Egypt for help are as good as dead,

those who rely on war horses,

and trust in Egypt’s many chariots

and in their many, many horsemen.

But they do not rely on the Holy One of Israel

and do not seek help from the Lord.

31:2 Yet he too is wise and he will bring disaster;

he does not retract his decree.

He will attack the wicked nation,

and the nation that helps those who commit sin.

Zechariah 7:9-11

7:9 “The Lord who rules over all said, ‘Exercise true judgment and show brotherhood and compassion to each other. 7:10 You must not oppress the widow, the orphan, the foreigner, or the poor, nor should anyone secretly plot evil against his fellow human being.’

7:11 “But they refused to pay attention, turning away stubbornly and stopping their ears so they could not hear.