Jeremiah 5:31

5:31 The prophets prophesy lies.

The priests exercise power by their own authority.

And my people love to have it this way.

But they will not be able to help you when the time of judgment comes!

Micah 2:11

2:11 If a lying windbag should come and say,

‘I’ll promise you blessings of wine and beer,’

he would be just the right preacher for these people!

Luke 6:26

6:26 “Woe to you when all people speak well of you, for their ancestors did the same things to the false prophets.

Luke 6:2

6:2 But some of the Pharisees said, “Why are you doing what is against the law on the Sabbath?”

Luke 2:2-3

2:2 This was the first registration, taken when Quirinius was governor of Syria. 2:3 Everyone went to his own town to be registered.