Job 10:6

10:6 that you must search out my iniquity,

and inquire about my sin,

Job 10:14

10:14 If I sinned, then you would watch me

and you would not acquit me of my iniquity.

Job 13:27

13:27 And you put my feet in the stocks

and you watch all my movements;

you put marks on the soles of my feet.

Job 31:4

31:4 Does he not see my ways

and count all my steps?

Job 33:11

33:11 He puts my feet in shackles;

he watches closely all my paths.’

Job 34:21

34:21 For his eyes are on the ways of an individual,

he observes all a person’s steps.

Psalms 56:6

56:6 They stalk and lurk;

they watch my every step,

as they prepare to take my life.

Psalms 139:1-4

Psalm 139

For the music director, a psalm of David.

139:1 O Lord, you examine me and know.

139:2 You know when I sit down and when I get up;

even from far away you understand my motives.

139:3 You carefully observe me when I travel or when I lie down to rest;

you are aware of everything I do.

139:4 Certainly my tongue does not frame a word

without you, O Lord, being thoroughly aware of it.

Proverbs 5:21

5:21 For the ways of a person are in front of the Lord’s eyes,

and the Lord weighs all that person’s paths.

Jeremiah 32:19

32:19 You plan great things and you do mighty deeds. You see everything people do. You reward each of them for the way they live and for the things they do.