Job 11:1-20

Zophar’s First Speech to Job

11:1 Then Zophar the Naamathite spoke up and said:

11:2 “Should not this abundance of words be answered,

or should this talkative man

be vindicated?

11:3 Will your idle talk reduce people to silence,

and will no one rebuke you when you mock?

11:4 For you have said, ‘My teaching is flawless,

and I am pure in your sight.’

11:5 But if only God would speak,

if only he would open his lips against you,

11:6 and reveal to you the secrets of wisdom –

for true wisdom has two sides

so that you would know

that God has forgiven some of your sins.

11:7 “Can you discover the essence of God?

Can you find out

the perfection of the Almighty?

11:8 It is higher than the heavens – what can you do?

It is deeper than Sheol – what can you know?

11:9 Its measure is longer than the earth,

and broader than the sea.

11:10 If he comes by and confines you

and convenes a court,

then who can prevent him?

11:11 For he knows deceitful men;

when he sees evil, will he not consider it?

11:12 But an empty man will become wise,

when a wild donkey’s colt is born a human being.

11:13 “As for you, if you prove faithful,

and if you stretch out your hands toward him,

11:14 if iniquity is in your hand – put it far away,

and do not let evil reside in your tents.

11:15 For then you will lift up your face

without blemish;

you will be securely established

and will not fear.

11:16 For you will forget your trouble;

you will remember it

like water that has flowed away.

11:17 And life will be brighter than the noonday;

though there be darkness,

it will be like the morning.

11:18 And you will be secure, because there is hope;

you will be protected

and will take your rest in safety.

11:19 You will lie down with no one to make you afraid,

and many will seek your favor.

11:20 But the eyes of the wicked fail,

and escape eludes them;

their one hope is to breathe their last.”