Job 13:27

13:27 And you put my feet in the stocks

and you watch all my movements;

you put marks on the soles of my feet.

Job 19:6

19:6 know then that God has wronged me

and encircled me with his net.

Job 33:18-19

33:18 He spares a person’s life from corruption,

his very life from crossing over the river.

33:19 Or a person is chastened by pain on his bed,

and with the continual strife of his bones,

Psalms 18:5

18:5 The ropes of Sheol tightened around me,

the snares of death trapped me.

Psalms 107:10

107:10 They sat in utter darkness,

bound in painful iron chains,

Psalms 116:3

116:3 The ropes of death tightened around me,

the snares of Sheol confronted me.

I was confronted with trouble and sorrow.

Lamentations 3:9

3:9 He has blocked every road I take with a wall of hewn stones;

he has made every path impassable.