Job 18:19

18:19 He has neither children nor descendants among his people,

no survivor in those places he once stayed.

Psalms 109:13

109:13 May his descendants be cut off!

May the memory of them be wiped out by the time the next generation arrives!

Jeremiah 22:30

22:30 The Lord says,

“Enroll this man in the register as though he were childless.

Enroll him as a man who will not enjoy success during his lifetime.

For none of his sons will succeed in occupying the throne of David

or ever succeed in ruling over Judah.”

Luke 1:7

1:7 But they did not have a child, because Elizabeth was barren, and they were both very old.

Luke 1:25

1:25 “This is what the Lord has done for me at the time when he has been gracious to me, to take away my disgrace among people.”

Luke 23:29

23:29 For this is certain: The days are coming when they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, the wombs that never bore children, and the breasts that never nursed!’