Job 22:7

22:7 You gave the weary no water to drink

and from the hungry you withheld food.

Job 31:19

31:19 If I have seen anyone about to perish for lack of clothing,

or a poor man without a coat,

Proverbs 22:9

22:9 A generous person will be blessed,

for he gives some of his food to the poor.

Proverbs 25:21

25:21 If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat,

and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink,

Proverbs 31:20

31:20 She extends her hand to the poor,

and reaches out her hand to the needy.

Ecclesiastes 11:1-2

Ignorance of the Future Demands Diligence in the Present

11:1 Send your grain overseas,

for after many days you will get a return.

11:2 Divide your merchandise among seven or even eight investments,

for you do not know what calamity may happen on earth.

Isaiah 58:7-10

58:7 I want you to share your food with the hungry

and to provide shelter for homeless, oppressed people.

When you see someone naked, clothe him!

Don’t turn your back on your own flesh and blood!

58:8 Then your light will shine like the sunrise;

your restoration will quickly arrive;

your godly behavior will go before you,

and the Lord’s splendor will be your rear guard.

58:9 Then you will call out, and the Lord will respond;

you will cry out, and he will reply, ‘Here I am.’

You must remove the burdensome yoke from among you

and stop pointing fingers and speaking sinfully.

58:10 You must actively help the hungry

and feed the oppressed.

Then your light will dispel the darkness,

and your darkness will be transformed into noonday.

Luke 11:41

11:41 But give from your heart to those in need, and then everything will be clean for you.

Luke 14:13

14:13 But when you host an elaborate meal, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.