Job 27:13-15

27:13 This is the portion of the wicked man

allotted by God,

the inheritance that evildoers receive

from the Almighty.

27:14 If his children increase – it is for the sword!

His offspring never have enough to eat.

27:15 Those who survive him are buried by the plague,

and their widows do not mourn for them.

Psalms 78:63-64

78:63 Fire consumed their young men,

and their virgins remained unmarried.

78:64 Their priests fell by the sword,

but their widows did not weep.

Psalms 109:9

109:9 May his children be fatherless,

and his wife a widow!

Jeremiah 15:8

15:8 Their widows will become in my sight more numerous

than the grains of sand on the seashores.

At noontime I will bring a destroyer

against the mothers of their young men.

I will cause anguish and terror

to fall suddenly upon them.

Jeremiah 18:21

18:21 So let their children die of starvation.

Let them be cut down by the sword.

Let their wives lose their husbands and children.

Let the older men die of disease

and the younger men die by the sword in battle.

Lamentations 5:3

5:3 We have become fatherless orphans;

our mothers have become widows.

Luke 6:38

6:38 Give, and it will be given to you: A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be poured into your lap. For the measure you use will be the measure you receive.”