Job 27:9

27:9 Does God listen to his cry

when distress overtakes him?

Psalms 66:18-19

66:18 If I had harbored sin in my heart,

the Lord would not have listened.

66:19 However, God heard;

he listened to my prayer.

Isaiah 1:15

1:15 When you spread out your hands in prayer,

I look the other way;

when you offer your many prayers,

I do not listen,

because your hands are covered with blood.

Isaiah 58:9-10

58:9 Then you will call out, and the Lord will respond;

you will cry out, and he will reply, ‘Here I am.’

You must remove the burdensome yoke from among you

and stop pointing fingers and speaking sinfully.

58:10 You must actively help the hungry

and feed the oppressed.

Then your light will dispel the darkness,

and your darkness will be transformed into noonday.

James 4:3-4

4:3 you ask and do not receive because you ask wrongly, so you can spend it on your passions.

4:4 Adulterers, do you not know that friendship with the world means hostility toward God? So whoever decides to be the world’s friend makes himself God’s enemy.