Job 31:3

31:3 Is it not misfortune for the unjust,

and disaster for those who work iniquity?

Isaiah 28:21

28:21 For the Lord will rise up, as he did at Mount Perazim,

he will rouse himself, as he did in the Valley of Gibeon,

to accomplish his work,

his peculiar work,

to perform his task,

his strange task.

Isaiah 43:19

43:19 “Look, I am about to do something new.

Now it begins to happen! Do you not recognize it?

Yes, I will make a road in the desert

and paths in the wilderness.

Isaiah 45:7

45:7 I am the one who forms light

and creates darkness;

the one who brings about peace

and creates calamity.

I am the Lord, who accomplishes all these things.

Isaiah 45:12

45:12 I made the earth,

I created the people who live on it.

It was me – my hands stretched out the sky,

I give orders to all the heavenly lights.

Jeremiah 31:22

31:22 How long will you vacillate,

you who were once like an unfaithful daughter?

For I, the Lord, promise to bring about something new on the earth,

something as unique as a woman protecting a man!’”