Job 33:24

33:24 and if God is gracious to him and says,

‘Spare him from going down

to the place of corruption,

I have found a ransom for him,’

Psalms 49:7-8

49:7 Certainly a man cannot rescue his brother;

he cannot pay God an adequate ransom price

49:8 (the ransom price for a human life is too high,

and people go to their final destiny),

Psalms 49:1

Psalm 49

For the music director, a psalm by the Korahites.

49:1 Listen to this, all you nations!

Pay attention, all you inhabitants of the world!

Psalms 2:6

2:6 “I myself have installed my king

on Zion, my holy hill.”

Hebrews 2:3

2:3 how will we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was first communicated through the Lord and was confirmed to us by those who heard him,