Job 34:13-33

34:13 Who entrusted to him the earth?

And who put him over the whole world?

34:14 If God were to set his heart on it,

and gather in his spirit and his breath,

34:15 all flesh would perish together

and human beings would return to dust.

God Is Impartial and Omniscient

34:16 “If you have understanding, listen to this,

hear what I have to say.

34:17 Do you really think

that one who hates justice can govern?

And will you declare guilty

the supremely righteous One,

34:18 who says to a king, ‘Worthless man’

and to nobles, ‘Wicked men,’

34:19 who shows no partiality to princes,

and does not take note of the rich more than the poor,

because all of them are the work of his hands?

34:20 In a moment they die, in the middle of the night,

people are shaken and they pass away.

The mighty are removed effortlessly.

34:21 For his eyes are on the ways of an individual,

he observes all a person’s steps.

34:22 There is no darkness, and no deep darkness,

where evildoers can hide themselves.

34:23 For he does not still consider a person,

that he should come before God in judgment.

34:24 He shatters the great without inquiry,

and sets up others in their place.

34:25 Therefore, he knows their deeds,

he overthrows them in the night

and they are crushed.

34:26 He strikes them for their wickedness,

in a place where people can see,

34:27 because they have turned away from following him,

and have not understood any of his ways,

34:28 so that they caused the cry of the poor

to come before him,

so that he hears the cry of the needy.

34:29 But if God is quiet, who can condemn him?

If he hides his face, then who can see him?

Yet he is over the individual and the nation alike,

34:30 so that the godless man should not rule,

and not lay snares for the people.

Job Is Foolish to Rebel

34:31 “Has anyone said to God,

‘I have endured chastisement,

but I will not act wrongly any more.

34:32 Teach me what I cannot see.

If I have done evil, I will do so no more.’

34:33 Is it your opinion that God should recompense it,

because you reject this?

But you must choose, and not I,

so tell us what you know.