Job 38:11

38:11 when I said, ‘To here you may come

and no farther,

here your proud waves will be confined’?

Psalms 104:7

104:7 Your shout made the waters retreat;

at the sound of your thunderous voice they hurried off –

Psalms 106:9

106:9 He shouted at the Red Sea and it dried up;

he led them through the deep water as if it were a desert.

Psalms 114:3

114:3 The sea looked and fled;

the Jordan River turned back.

Psalms 114:5

114:5 Why do you flee, O sea?

Why do you turn back, O Jordan River?

Isaiah 50:2-3

50:2 Why does no one challenge me when I come?

Why does no one respond when I call?

Is my hand too weak to deliver you?

Do I lack the power to rescue you?

Look, with a mere shout I can dry up the sea;

I can turn streams into a desert,

so the fish rot away and die

from lack of water.

50:3 I can clothe the sky in darkness;

I can cover it with sackcloth.”

Isaiah 51:10

51:10 Did you not dry up the sea,

the waters of the great deep?

Did you not make a path through the depths of the sea,

so those delivered from bondage could cross over?

Amos 5:8

5:8 (But there is one who made the constellations Pleiades and Orion;

he can turn the darkness into morning

and daylight into night.

He summons the water of the seas

and pours it out on the earth’s surface.

The Lord is his name!

Matthew 8:26

8:26 But he said to them, “Why are you cowardly, you people of little faith?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it was dead calm.