Job 4:12

Ungodly Complainers Provoke God’s Wrath

4:12 “Now a word was secretly brought to me,

and my ear caught a whisper of it.

Job 5:27

5:27 Look, we have investigated this, so it is true.

Hear it, and apply it for your own good.”

Job 8:8-10

8:8 “For inquire now of the former generation,

and pay attention to the findings

of their ancestors;

8:9 For we were born yesterday and do not have knowledge,

since our days on earth are but a shadow.

8:10 Will they not instruct you and speak to you,

and bring forth words

from their understanding?

Job 15:17-18

15:17 “I will explain to you;

listen to me,

and what I have seen, I will declare,

15:18 what wise men declare,

hiding nothing,

from the tradition of their ancestors,

Psalms 78:3-4

78:3 What we have heard and learned

that which our ancestors have told us –

78:4 we will not hide from their descendants.

We will tell the next generation

about the Lord’s praiseworthy acts,

about his strength and the amazing things he has done.

Psalms 78:1

Psalm 78

A well-written song by Asaph.

78:1 Pay attention, my people, to my instruction!

Listen to the words I speak!

Psalms 1:3

1:3 He is like a tree planted by flowing streams;

it yields its fruit at the proper time,

and its leaves never fall off.

He succeeds in everything he attempts.