4:4 Your words have supported
who stumbled,
and you have strengthened the knees
that gave way.
16:5 But
comfort from my lips would bring
12:18 Speaking recklessly
but the words
16:21 The one who is wise in heart
and kind speech
16:22 Insight
but folly leads to the discipline of fools.
16:23 A wise person’s heart
and it adds persuasiveness
16:24 Pleasant words are like
sweet to the soul and healing
18:21 Death and life are in the power
and those who love its use
25:11 Like apples of gold in settings of silver,
so is a word skillfully spoken.
12:10 The Teacher sought to find delightful
and to write
12:11 The words of the sages are like prods,
and the collected sayings are like firmly fixed nails;
they are given by one shepherd.