Job 4:5-6

4:5 But now the same thing comes to you,

and you are discouraged;

it strikes you,

and you are terrified.

4:6 Is not your piety your confidence,

and your blameless ways your hope?

Job 6:14

Disappointing Friends

6:14 “To the one in despair, kindness should come from his friend

even if he forsakes the fear of the Almighty.

Psalms 36:1-3

Psalm 36

For the music director; written by the Lord’s servant, David; an oracle.

36:1 An evil man is rebellious to the core.

He does not fear God,

36:2 for he is too proud

to recognize and give up his sin.

36:3 The words he speaks are sinful and deceitful;

he does not care about doing what is wise and right.

Psalms 119:126

119:126 It is time for the Lord to act –

they break your law!

Zephaniah 1:6

1:6 and those who turn their backs on the Lord

and do not want the Lord’s help or guidance.”

Romans 3:31

3:31 Do we then nullify the law through faith? Absolutely not! Instead we uphold the law.

Galatians 2:21

2:21 I do not set aside God’s grace, because if righteousness could come through the law, then Christ died for nothing!