Job 41:1-13

The Description of Leviathan

41:1 (40:25) “Can you pull in Leviathan with a hook,

and tie down its tongue with a rope?

41:2 Can you put a cord through its nose,

or pierce its jaw with a hook?

41:3 Will it make numerous supplications to you,

will it speak to you with tender words?

41:4 Will it make a pact with you,

so you could take it as your slave for life?

41:5 Can you play with it, like a bird,

or tie it on a leash for your girls?

41:6 Will partners bargain for it?

Will they divide it up among the merchants?

41:7 Can you fill its hide with harpoons

or its head with fishing spears?

41:8 If you lay your hand on it,

you will remember the fight,

and you will never do it again!

41:9 (41:1) See, his expectation is wrong,

he is laid low even at the sight of it.

41:10 Is it not fierce when it is awakened?

Who is he, then, who can stand before it?

41:11 (Who has confronted me that I should repay?

Everything under heaven belongs to me!)

41:12 I will not keep silent about its limbs,

and the extent of its might,

and the grace of its arrangement.

41:13 Who can uncover its outer covering?

Who can penetrate to the inside of its armor?