Job 41:26-34

41:26 Whoever strikes it with a sword

will have no effect,

nor with the spear, arrow, or dart.

41:27 It regards iron as straw

and bronze as rotten wood.

41:28 Arrows do not make it flee;

slingstones become like chaff to it.

41:29 A club is counted as a piece of straw;

it laughs at the rattling of the lance.

41:30 Its underparts are the sharp points of potsherds,

it leaves its mark in the mud

like a threshing sledge.

41:31 It makes the deep boil like a cauldron

and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment,

41:32 It leaves a glistening wake behind it;

one would think the deep had a head of white hair.

41:33 The likes of it is not on earth,

a creature without fear.

41:34 It looks on every haughty being;

it is king over all that are proud.”