Job 5:18-20

5:18 For he wounds, but he also bandages;

he strikes, but his hands also heal.

5:19 He will deliver you from six calamities;

yes, in seven no evil will touch you.

5:20 In time of famine he will redeem you from death,

and in time of war from the power of the sword.

Deuteronomy 30:3

30:3 the Lord your God will reverse your captivity and have pity on you. He will turn and gather you from all the peoples among whom he has scattered you.

Psalms 14:7

14:7 I wish the deliverance of Israel would come from Zion!

When the Lord restores the well-being of his people,

may Jacob rejoice,

may Israel be happy!

Psalms 53:6

53:6 I wish the deliverance of Israel would come from Zion!

When God restores the well-being of his people,

may Jacob rejoice,

may Israel be happy!

Psalms 126:1

Psalm 126

A song of ascents.

126:1 When the Lord restored the well-being of Zion,

we thought we were dreaming.

Psalms 126:4

126:4 O Lord, restore our well-being,

just as the streams in the arid south are replenished.