Job 5:27

5:27 Look, we have investigated this, so it is true.

Hear it, and apply it for your own good.”

Job 13:5-6

13:5 If only you would keep completely silent!

For you, that would be wisdom.

13:6 “Listen now to my argument,

and be attentive to my lips’ contentions.

Job 33:1

Elihu Invites Job’s Attention

33:1 “But now, O Job, listen to my words,

and hear everything I have to say!

Job 34:2

34:2 “Listen to my words, you wise men;

hear me, you learned men.

Job 36:2

36:2 “Be patient with me a little longer

and I will instruct you,

for I still have words to speak on God’s behalf.