Job 5:6-7

5:6 For evil does not come up from the dust,

nor does trouble spring up from the ground,

5:7 but people are born to trouble,

as surely as the sparks fly upward.

Job 14:1

The Brevity of Life

14:1 “Man, born of woman,

lives but a few days, and they are full of trouble.

Job 21:17

How Often Do the Wicked Suffer?

21:17 “How often is the lamp of the wicked extinguished?

How often does their misfortune come upon them?

How often does God apportion pain to them in his anger?

Psalms 90:7-9

90:7 Yes, we are consumed by your anger;

we are terrified by your wrath.

90:8 You are aware of our sins;

you even know about our hidden sins.

90:9 Yes, throughout all our days we experience your raging fury;

the years of our lives pass quickly, like a sigh.

Ecclesiastes 2:22-23

Painful Days and Restless Nights

2:22 What does a man acquire from all his labor

and from the anxiety that accompanies his toil on earth?

2:23 For all day long his work produces pain and frustration,

and even at night his mind cannot relax!

This also is futile!

Ecclesiastes 5:17

5:17 Surely, he ate in darkness every day of his life,

and he suffered greatly with sickness and anger.

John 16:33

16:33 I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage – I have conquered the world.”