Job 7:10

7:10 He returns no more to his house,

nor does his place of residence know him any more.

Job 20:9

20:9 People who had seen him will not see him again,

and the place where he was

will recognize him no longer.

Psalms 37:10

37:10 Evil men will soon disappear;

you will stare at the spot where they once were, but they will be gone.

Psalms 37:36

37:36 But then one passes by, and suddenly they have disappeared!

I looked for them, but they could not be found.

Psalms 73:18-19

73:18 Surely you put them in slippery places;

you bring them down to ruin.

73:19 How desolate they become in a mere moment!

Terrifying judgments make their demise complete!

Psalms 92:7

92:7 When the wicked sprout up like grass,

and all the evildoers glisten,

it is so that they may be annihilated.