7:3 thus
months of futility,
and nights of sorrow
have been appointed
7:4 If I lie down, I say,
and the night stretches on
and I toss and turn restlessly
until the day dawns.
7:5 My body
my skin is broken
7:6 My days
and they come to an end without hope.
7:7 Remember
7:8 The eye of him who sees me now will see me no more;
your eyes will look for me, but I will be gone.
7:9 As
so the one who goes down to the grave
does not come up again.
7:10 He returns no more to his house,
nor does his place of residence
7:11 “Therefore,
I will speak in the anguish of my spirit;
I will complain
7:12 Am I the sea, or the creature of the deep,
that you must put
7:13 If
my couch will ease
7:14 then you scare me
and terrify
7:15 so that I
7:16 I loathe
leave me alone,
7:17 “What is mankind
and that you pay attention
7:18 And that you visit
and try
7:19 Will you never
will you not let me alone
long enough to swallow my spittle?
7:20 If
O watcher of men?
Why have you set me as your target?
Have I become a burden to you?
7:21 And why do you not pardon my transgression,
and take away my iniquity?
For now I will lie down in the dust,
and you will seek me diligently,
but I will be gone.”