7:7 Remember
17:1 My spirit is broken,
my days have faded out,
the grave
17:13 If
if I spread out my bed in darkness,
17:14 If I cry
and to the worm, ‘My Mother,’ or ‘My sister,’
17:15 where then
And my hope,
17:16 Will
17:1 My spirit is broken,
my days have faded out,
the grave
2:6 So the Lord said to Satan, “All right,
30:3 O Lord, you pulled me
you rescued me from among those descending into the grave.
88:3 For my life
and I am ready to enter Sheol.
88:4 They treat me like
I am like a helpless man,
88:5 adrift
like corpses lying in the grave,
whom you remember no more,
and who are cut off from your power.
38:10 “I thought,
‘In the middle of my life
I am deprived