Job 9:17

9:17 he who crushes me with a tempest,

and multiplies my wounds for no reason.

Job 10:7

10:7 although you know that I am not guilty,

and that there is no one who can deliver

out of your hand?

Job 16:17

16:17 although there is no violence in my hands

and my prayer is pure.

Job 19:6-7

19:6 know then that God has wronged me

and encircled me with his net.

Job’s Abandonment and Affliction

19:7 “If I cry out, ‘Violence!’

I receive no answer;

I cry for help,

but there is no justice.

Job 27:2-6

27:2 “As surely as God lives, who has denied me justice,

the Almighty, who has made my life bitter

27:3 for while my spirit is still in me,

and the breath from God is in my nostrils,

27:4 my lips will not speak wickedness,

and my tongue will whisper no deceit.

27:5 I will never declare that you three are in the right;

until I die, I will not set aside my integrity!

27:6 I will maintain my righteousness

and never let it go;

my conscience will not reproach me

for as long as I live.

Job 34:5

34:5 For Job says, ‘I am innocent,

but God turns away my right.

Job 40:8

40:8 Would you indeed annul my justice?

Would you declare me guilty so that you might be right?