Job 9:19

9:19 If it is a matter of strength,

most certainly he is the strong one!

And if it is a matter of justice,

he will say, ‘Who will summon me?’

Job 9:32

9:32 For he is not a human being like I am,

that I might answer him,

that we might come together in judgment.

Job 14:3

14:3 Do you fix your eye on such a one?

And do you bring me before you for judgment?

Job 16:21

16:21 and he contends with God on behalf of man

as a man pleads for his friend.

Job 23:6-7

23:6 Would he contend with me with great power?

No, he would only pay attention to me.

23:7 There an upright person

could present his case before him,

and I would be delivered forever from my judge.

Job 34:23

34:23 For he does not still consider a person,

that he should come before God in judgment.

Psalms 130:3-4

130:3 If you, O Lord, were to keep track of sins,

O Lord, who could stand before you?

130:4 But you are willing to forgive,

so that you might be honored.

Psalms 143:2

143:2 Do not sit in judgment on your servant,

for no one alive is innocent before you.

Ecclesiastes 12:14

12:14 For God will evaluate every deed,

including every secret thing, whether good or evil.

Isaiah 3:14-15

3:14 The Lord comes to pronounce judgment

on the leaders of his people and their officials.

He says, “It is you who have ruined the vineyard!

You have stashed in your houses what you have stolen from the poor.

3:15 Why do you crush my people

and grind the faces of the poor?”

The sovereign Lord who commands armies has spoken.