Job 9:32-33

9:32 For he is not a human being like I am,

that I might answer him,

that we might come together in judgment.

9:33 Nor is there an arbiter between us,

who might lay his hand on us both,

Job 16:21

16:21 and he contends with God on behalf of man

as a man pleads for his friend.

Job 23:7

23:7 There an upright person

could present his case before him,

and I would be delivered forever from my judge.

Jeremiah 2:5

2:5 This is what the Lord says:

“What fault could your ancestors have possibly found in me

that they strayed so far from me?

They paid allegiance to worthless idols, and so became worthless to me.

Romans 9:20

9:20 But who indeed are you – a mere human being – to talk back to God? Does what is molded say to the molder,Why have you made me like this?