John 1:16
1:16 For we have all received from his fullness one gracious gift after another.
John 1:35
1:35 Again the next day John was standing there with two of his disciples.
John 1:44
1:44 (Now Philip was from Bethsaida,
the town of
Andrew and Peter.)
John 3:1
Conversation with Nicodemus
3:1 Now a certain man, a Pharisee named Nicodemus, who was a member of the Jewish ruling council,
John 3:25
3:25 Now a dispute came about between some of John’s disciples and a certain Jew concerning ceremonial washing.
John 6:8
6:8 One of Jesus’ disciples,
Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to him,
John 9:32
9:32 Never before
has anyone heard of someone causing a man born blind to see.
John 10:26
10:26 But you refuse to believe because you are not my sheep.
John 10:39
10:39 Then
they attempted
again to seize him, but he escaped their clutches.
John 12:20
12:20 Now some Greeks were among those who had gone up to worship at the feast.
John 12:32
12:32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people
to myself.”
John 16:14
16:14 He
will glorify me,
because he will receive
from me what is mine
and will tell it to you.
John 20:9
20:9 (For they did not yet understand
the scripture that Jesus
must rise from the dead.)
John 21:14
21:14 This was now the third time Jesus was revealed to the disciples after he was raised from the dead.