John 1:20
1:20 He confessed – he did not deny but confessed – “I am not the Christ!”
John 12:22
12:22 Philip went and told Andrew, and they both
went and told Jesus.
John 17:10
17:10 Everything
I have belongs to you,
and everything you have belongs to me,
and I have been glorified by them.
John 18:12
Jesus Before Annas
18:12 Then the squad of soldiers with their commanding officer and the officers of the Jewish leaders arrested Jesus and tied him up.
John 19:3
19:3 They
came up to him again and again
and said, “Hail, king of the Jews!”
And they struck him repeatedly
in the face.
John 21:13
21:13 Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish.