John 1:37
1:37 When John’s two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus.
John 2:2
2:2 and Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding.
John 2:8
2:8 Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the head steward,” and they did.
John 2:13
2:13 Now the Jewish feast of Passover was near, so Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
John 6:36
6:36 But I told you that you have seen me and still do not believe.
John 6:69
6:69 We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God!”
John 7:21
7:21 Jesus replied, “I performed one miracle and you are all amazed.
John 8:32
8:32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 9:36
9:36 The man replied, “And who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?”
John 11:5
11:5 (Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.)
John 13:32
13:32 If God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and he will glorify him right away.
John 17:19
17:19 And I set myself apart on their behalf, so that they too may be truly set apart.
John 19:18
19:18 There they crucified him along with two others, one on each side, with Jesus in the middle.
John 20:3
20:3 Then Peter and the other disciple set out to go to the tomb.
John 20:22
20:22 And after he said this, he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.
John 20:28
20:28 Thomas replied to him, “My Lord and my God!”