John 9:1

Healing a Man Born Blind

9:1 Now as Jesus was passing by, he saw a man who had been blind from birth.

John 1:9

1:9 The true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.

John 18:14

18:14 (Now it was Caiaphas who had advised the Jewish leaders that it was to their advantage that one man die for the people.)

John 4:29

4:29 “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Surely he can’t be the Messiah, can he?”

John 7:22-23

7:22 However, because Moses gave you the practice of circumcision (not that it came from Moses, but from the forefathers), you circumcise a male child on the Sabbath. 7:23 But if a male child is circumcised on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses is not broken, why are you angry with me because I made a man completely well on the Sabbath?

John 7:51

7:51 “Our law doesn’t condemn a man unless it first hears from him and learns what he is doing, does it?”

John 8:40

8:40 But now you are trying to kill me, a man who has told you the truth I heard from God. Abraham did not do this!

John 5:7

5:7 The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up. While I am trying to get into the water, someone else goes down there before me.”

John 9:24

9:24 Then they summoned the man who used to be blind a second time and said to him, “Promise before God to tell the truth. We know that this man is a sinner.”