Jonah 1:12-16

1:12 He said to them, “Pick me up and throw me into the sea to make the sea quiet down, because I know it’s my fault you are in this severe storm.” 1:13 Instead, they tried to row back to land, but they were not able to do so because the storm kept growing worse and worse. 1:14 So they cried out to the Lord, “Oh, please, Lord, don’t let us die on account of this man! Don’t hold us guilty of shedding innocent blood. After all, you, Lord, have done just as you pleased.” 1:15 So they picked Jonah up and threw him into the sea, and the sea stopped raging. 1:16 The men feared the Lord greatly, and earnestly vowed to offer lavish sacrifices to the Lord.

Psalms 69:1-2

Psalm 69

For the music director; according to the tune of “Lilies;” by David.

69:1 Deliver me, O God,

for the water has reached my neck.

69:2 I sink into the deep mire

where there is no solid ground;

I am in deep water,

and the current overpowers me.

Psalms 69:14-15

69:14 Rescue me from the mud! Don’t let me sink!

Deliver me from those who hate me,

from the deep water!

69:15 Don’t let the current overpower me!

Don’t let the deep swallow me up!

Don’t let the pit devour me!

Psalms 88:5-8

88:5 adrift among the dead,

like corpses lying in the grave,

whom you remember no more,

and who are cut off from your power.

88:6 You place me in the lowest regions of the pit,

in the dark places, in the watery depths.

88:7 Your anger bears down on me,

and you overwhelm me with all your waves. (Selah)

88:8 You cause those who know me to keep their distance;

you make me an appalling sight to them.

I am trapped and cannot get free.

Lamentations 3:54

3:54 The waters closed over my head;

I thought I was about to die.