Joshua 10:3

10:3 So King Adoni-Zedek of Jerusalem sent this message to King Hoham of Hebron, King Piram of Jarmuth, King Japhia of Lachish, and King Debir of Eglon:

Joshua 10:5

10:5 So the five Amorite kings (the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon) and all their troops gathered together and advanced. They deployed their troops and fought against Gibeon.

Joshua 12:11

12:11 the king of Jarmuth (one),

the king of Lachish (one),

Joshua 15:39

15:39 Lachish, Bozkath, Eglon,

Joshua 15:2

15:2 Their southern border started at the southern tip of the Salt Sea,

Joshua 19:8

19:8 as well as all the towns around these cities as far as Baalath Beer (Ramah of the Negev). This was the land assigned to the tribe of Simeon by its clans.

Joshua 19:2

19:2 Their assigned land included Beer Sheba, Moladah,

Joshua 11:9

11:9 Joshua did to them as the Lord had commanded him; he hamstrung their horses and burned their chariots.

Isaiah 37:8

37:8 When the chief adviser heard the king of Assyria had departed from Lachish, he left and went to Libnah, where the king was campaigning.

Micah 1:13

1:13 Residents of Lachish, hitch the horses to the chariots!

You influenced Daughter Zion to sin,

for Israel’s rebellious deeds can be traced back to you!