Jude 1:4-5

1:4 For certain men have secretly slipped in among you – men who long ago were marked out for the condemnation I am about to describe – ungodly men who have turned the grace of our God into a license for evil and who deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

1:5 Now I desire to remind you (even though you have been fully informed of these facts once for all) that Jesus, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, later destroyed those who did not believe.

Isaiah 24:19-20

24:19 The earth is broken in pieces,

the earth is ripped to shreds,

the earth shakes violently.

24:20 The earth will stagger around like a drunk;

it will sway back and forth like a hut in a windstorm.

Its sin will weigh it down,

and it will fall and never get up again.

Isaiah 64:1-2

64:1 (63:19b) If only you would tear apart the sky and come down!

The mountains would tremble before you!

64:2 (64:1) As when fire ignites dry wood,

or fire makes water boil,

let your adversaries know who you are,

and may the nations shake at your presence!

Micah 1:3-4

1:3 Look, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling place!

He will descend and march on the earth’s mountaintops!

1:4 The mountains will disintegrate beneath him,

and the valleys will be split in two.

The mountains will melt like wax in a fire,

the rocks will slide down like water cascading down a steep slope.

Nahum 1:5

1:5 The mountains tremble before him,

the hills convulse;

the earth is laid waste before him,

the world and all its inhabitants are laid waste.

Habakkuk 3:6

3:6 He takes his battle position and shakes the earth;

with a mere look he frightens the nations.

The ancient mountains disintegrate;

the primeval hills are flattened.

He travels on the ancient roads.