Lamentations 2:15

ס (Samek)

2:15 All who passed by on the road

clapped their hands to mock you.

They sneered and shook their heads

at Daughter Jerusalem.

“Ha! Is this the city they called

‘The perfection of beauty,

the source of joy of the whole earth!’?”

Lamentations 3:61

ש (Sin/Shin)

3:61 You have heard their taunts, O Lord,

all their plots against me.

Nehemiah 1:3

1:3 They said to me, “The remnant that remains from the exile there in the province are experiencing considerable adversity and reproach. The wall of Jerusalem lies breached, and its gates have been burned down!”

Nehemiah 4:4

4:4 Hear, O our God, for we are despised! Return their reproach on their own head! Reduce them to plunder in a land of exile!

Psalms 44:13-16

44:13 You made us an object of disdain to our neighbors;

those who live on our borders taunt and insult us.

44:14 You made us an object of ridicule among the nations;

foreigners treat us with contempt.

44:15 All day long I feel humiliated

and am overwhelmed with shame,

44:16 before the vindictive enemy

who ridicules and insults me.

Psalms 74:10-11

74:10 How long, O God, will the adversary hurl insults?

Will the enemy blaspheme your name forever?

74:11 Why do you remain inactive?

Intervene and destroy him!

Psalms 79:4

79:4 We have become an object of disdain to our neighbors;

those who live on our borders taunt and insult us.

Psalms 79:12

79:12 Pay back our neighbors in full!

May they be insulted the same way they insulted you, O Lord!

Psalms 89:50-51

89:50 Take note, O Lord, of the way your servants are taunted,

and of how I must bear so many insults from people!

89:51 Your enemies, O Lord, hurl insults;

they insult your chosen king as they dog his footsteps.

Psalms 123:3-4

123:3 Show us favor, O Lord, show us favor!

For we have had our fill of humiliation, and then some.

123:4 We have had our fill

of the taunts of the self-assured,

of the contempt of the proud.