Lamentations 3:54-66

3:54 The waters closed over my head;

I thought I was about to die.

ק (Qof)

3:55 I have called on your name, O Lord,

from the deepest pit.

3:56 You heard my plea:

“Do not close your ears to my cry for relief!”

3:57 You came near on the day I called to you;

you said, “Do not fear!”

ר (Resh)

3:58 O Lord, you championed my cause,

you redeemed my life.

3:59 You have seen the wrong done to me, O Lord;

pronounce judgment on my behalf!

3:60 You have seen all their vengeance,

all their plots against me.

ש (Sin/Shin)

3:61 You have heard their taunts, O Lord,

all their plots against me.

3:62 My assailants revile and conspire

against me all day long.

3:63 Watch them from morning to evening;

I am the object of their mocking songs.

ת (Tav)

3:64 Pay them back what they deserve, O Lord,

according to what they have done.

3:65 Give them a distraught heart;

may your curse be on them!

3:66 Pursue them in anger and eradicate them

from under the Lord’s heaven.