Micah 7:8-13

Jerusalem Will Be Vindicated

7:8 My enemies, do not gloat over me!

Though I have fallen, I will get up.

Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.

7:9 I must endure the Lord’s anger,

for I have sinned against him.

But then he will defend my cause,

and accomplish justice on my behalf.

He will lead me out into the light;

I will experience firsthand his deliverance.

7:10 When my enemies see this, they will be covered with shame.

They say to me, “Where is the Lord your God?”

I will gloat over them.

Then they will be trampled down

like mud in the streets.

7:11 It will be a day for rebuilding your walls;

in that day your boundary will be extended.

A Closing Prayer

7:12 In that day people will come to you

from Assyria as far as Egypt,

from Egypt as far as the Euphrates River,

from the seacoasts and the mountains.

7:13 The earth will become desolate

because of what its inhabitants have done.

Ezra 1:1-2

The Decree of Cyrus

1:1 In the first year of King Cyrus of Persia, in order to fulfill the Lord’s message spoken through Jeremiah, the Lord stirred the mind of King Cyrus of Persia. He disseminated a proclamation throughout his entire kingdom, announcing in a written edict the following:

1:2 “Thus says King Cyrus of Persia:

“‘The Lord God of heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth. He has instructed me to build a temple for him in Jerusalem, which is in Judah.

Isaiah 45:13

45:13 It is me – I stir him up and commission him;

I will make all his ways level.

He will rebuild my city;

he will send my exiled people home,

but not for a price or a bribe,”

says the Lord who commands armies.

Isaiah 48:20

48:20 Leave Babylon!

Flee from the Babylonians!

Announce it with a shout of joy!

Make this known!

Proclaim it throughout the earth!

Say, ‘The Lord protects his servant Jacob.

Isaiah 52:9-12

52:9 In unison give a joyful shout,

O ruins of Jerusalem!

For the Lord consoles his people;

he protects Jerusalem.

52:10 The Lord reveals his royal power

in the sight of all the nations;

the entire earth sees

our God deliver.

52:11 Leave! Leave! Get out of there!

Don’t touch anything unclean!

Get out of it!

Stay pure, you who carry the Lord’s holy items!

52:12 Yet do not depart quickly

or leave in a panic.

For the Lord goes before you;

the God of Israel is your rear guard.

Zechariah 2:7-9

2:7 “Escape, Zion, you who live among the Babylonians!” 2:8 For the Lord who rules over all says to me that for his own glory he has sent me to the nations that plundered you – for anyone who touches you touches the pupil of his eye. 2:9 “I am about to punish them in such a way,” he says, “that they will be looted by their own slaves.” Then you will know that the Lord who rules over all has sent me.